Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Billy Blanks Bootcamp Cardio Live.
Review by Creative Gal

Time: 30 mins
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Space needed: Approx 5 ft across by 3 ft.

As a beginner I attempted this workout twice before actually completing it.
Encouraged by an online exercise group I joined, I tried doing the moves at half pace, along with watching the DVD and pausing it to figure out the moves, as there aren’t any real explanations or demonstrations on this DVD. However, they do the moves and combinations slowly at first, then they pick it up or do ‘double time’. It is pretty easy to follow and don’t get discouraged if even after a few times the moves are still confusing. Whatever you do, keep moving. At first you may only be able to do half of the reps they do, then you can have fun testing yourself and building up. Billy is very encouraging and points out some modifications to a few of the moves (mainly kicks) and also has one of the girls do a couple moves wrong so you can see what not to do. This is a short workout – it's amazing how quickly a half an hour passes. But you sweat a lot and you really feel it! The Billy Band segment is a little short but very powerful. I am still not strong enough to lift the bands very high, so I opt to do the arm workouts with 2lb dumbbells instead. I have been doing the leg work portion with no resistance, but will soon add the bands as I feel stronger now. The cool down portion is a little difficult to follow. Billy gives a motivational mini speech as his colleague Shelley takes over the cool down. I usually just look past Billy to see what they are doing behind him and follow suit. I also followup with a couple of my own stretches. Whatever workout you try, make sure you give it a good go before you decide whether you like it or not or whether its suitable for you or not. It DOES get a bit easier as your body gets stronger! Never give up! The success is in the trying.


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