Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Joy update

Update: My net and phone has been out from last night to 4pm tonight.

Update: On date night. My husband is having me pick a food so he can cook it sight unseen Iron chef style. We do think the iron chef's are told what the secret ingredient is. We saw Iron Chef America on Vacation. Chef Canto was challenger. I've never tasted Canto's food but I had saw clips on the net before. The molding of science and fine dining sound so fun. I wish he had a cookbook out but I guess a cookbook that uses lasers and liquid nitrogen would be considered a bit unusual.

Joy builders setting goal:
You should set goals to what you want but why do you want them?
will you be happy when you get them or are you happy now?
How can you be happy Now? How can you bring joy?

Poor Fitness: I really need to exercise today. I could have found the time but I took a nap instead.

Happy Joy Thankful List
Husband and little Ones


Blogger Chris said...

The whole family loves watching the iron chef challenges on tv. I could never be that creative in the kitchen. We don't always agree with the choice of the judges. It sure is a fun show.

I can't wait to hear about your date night.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I can be creative but LOl my dishes aren't always a good creative. ;-) I would like to be able to cook gourmet cooking one day.

1:16 PM  

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