Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cheaper Fitness Buys

By VH Melville
Those $30 and $60 DVDs might be wonderful, but you can look to Walmart and Kmart. These stores often have a great fitness DVD collection for around 9 bucks per DVD. In Walmart, you can find DVDs in the DVD section and in the fitness section. Sometimes you can even find fitness DVDs in their bargain bin.
If you are squeamish as to what styles of exercise you like, go to the library and check out a few DVDs for free.
Go off the beaten bath. Sometimes places that normally don’t stock a wide selection of DVDs and VHS tapes will have some good ones. Try Dollar General, Save-A-Lot or Big Lots if you are going to shop there anyway. Remember a deal isn’t deal if you have to waste a tank of gas to get it.

Check out thrift stores for small weights, DVDs and books. Borrow DVDs from friends.


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