Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Scales of in-Justice
VH Melville

Sometimes the scale is random and doesn’t really reflect the week before. The scale might show a pound gain and we were eating healthy. Healthy eating and exercising will catch up to us
The scale might even go up as much as six pounds if we weigh ourselves in different times of the day.
Sometimes we see again due to mistakes we can’t or decide not to notice.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes.

We just have to be honest, with ourselves and try our best.
Making lifestyle changes is not easy. There was a reason I maintained over my valentine vacation and gained 3 pounds the week after.
I was attending my father’s valentine wedding. On vacation I had yummy foods such as a half a piece of wedding cake, oatmeal, veggies, and a few chocolates. I was active and keeping within my calories.
The week afterward I had healthy food but looking back I had too much of it. I was also pouring the salt on. Normal salt use is fine but I had to buy a new container I used so much. I can now look back and see why I gained so much so quickly.
I am just trying and planning better this week. I'm looking for balance.


Blogger Chris said...

It is good when we can constructively review our weaknesses and make adjustments. I totally agree with the need for balance. We need that in all areas of our life. Keep up the good work.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Briscoe n Drake said...

balance is good. i have only recently begun to really understand the idea of "moderation". i used to diet extremes- now, being more even in intake, exercise, etc, i find that while it is slow going, it is much more manageable.

good luck with your venture...

9:11 PM  

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