Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds 1 Mile
By Creative Gal

Time: 20 mins
Level: Beginner
Space needed: a 3 ft square will suffice.

This is the perfect workout for a true beginner. This is for someone who loves the couch and would much rather be relaxing but wants to get healthy! It helps induct you into the world of working out in a gentle, yet effective, way.
There are four core moves to the Walk Away the Pounds walks and Leslie shows these to you and leads you through a fun, easy-paced workout.
You can opt to do this (or any of the walks) with or without the weights, and it’s a very short workout. Leslie is also very encouraging and friendly. She provides modifications by having someone exercise without the weights and also one person who modifies the regular moves by doing half-range motions. This workout is also great for an intermediate level person who is short on time and needs to get in a quick workout. I may even use this one sometimes as an add-on to other workouts.


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