Monday, April 03, 2006

Star Jones

By VH Melviille
I do understand Rosie’s concern that Star talks about plastic surgery but not her other weightloss surgery. I have no personal problem with Star but I feel that getting plastic surgery though secretive gastric bypass is considered even more taboo. I lost via weight watchers but most who undergo gastric bypass that is their only way out of major health problems.

Some types of gastric bypass are dangerous. People wrongly consider gastric as the easy way out and it is not.

I struggled with weight since I was ten. I’ve learned that I was beautiful to my husband at 234 pounds and beautiful to him at 125.
It’s weird but feeling beautiful was my turning point for health. I was sick of feeling so tired all the time. I was scared of getting diabetes in a few short years when I will be the age my dad was when he most likely developed it. I was angry at clothes store not having things in my size. I wanted to show my family someone healthy and happy with their body and their eating. I am happy with myself, loose skin and all.

It might seem sappy to some but feel there is beauty in us all no matter what our size is.
I do think Star Jones could inspire others but not all people who go through what she has to want to. This is her choice and not mine.


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