Monday, May 15, 2006

The Fattest Girl in the Room

The Fattest Girl in the Room
VH Melville

I’ve been the fattest girl in the room and I’ve been the thinnest. Yes, it’s now nice to fit into clothes. I love being healthy. I have been on both sides of the mirror and the most beautiful people are the ones with a glow about them who are secure.

Have you ever been friends with someone that when ever you started to lose weight or eat healthy they made catty comments?

I never understood the whole “at least I am not fat as,” Way of thinking or “I want to hang out with someone fatter so I look thinner in comparison.”

I lost a lot of weight over 100 pounds. I am friends with the same friends both fat and skinny and I could care less if my fat friends lost weight as long as they did it in a healthy way. Then there are people who are only friends with people who are less then a size ten.

I’ve never understood about hanging out with people just because they make you look thinner or hipper.
The sabotaging starts when the fatter one starts losing weight.
How nice does someone look using people or trying to keep someone fat so we’d be the thinner one? It doesn’t look nice and most people see right through it.


Blogger Chris said...

I agree whole-heartedly with you. Of course, if those people aren't talking about fat or thin, they are talking negatively about something else. I'm glad you are keeping your weight off. I wish I would have. It's so much harder for me this time.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I’ve lost and regained so many times. I’ve been maintaining since late October and I WW lifetime in December. I can honestly say I never kept the weight off for this long.
It’s scary because in a month I lose my meetings. I am moving like you.
I am trying to come up with a plan now so that I can help myself later.

10:08 PM  

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