Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Flying Again

Flying Again
VH Melville
I’ve been on program (OP) with eating but need to bump up my exercises I’ve been way off program with Flying (flylady.net ) The Fly lady cleaning system has been the only program that has worked for me. So I recommitted myself these two days. I don’t know why I don’t do it more. Like exercise and eating right Flying makes me feel healthy.
I altered the program to fit my needs. My control journal is just two sheets on the fridge. I am not a shoe person. I have two shoes max, but wear shoes with straps and not laces because they are cute and comfy. I do each zone and room in shorter increments than 15 due to my ADHD. When I flied right it would take me 45 min to an hour max a day to clean the house and I got weekends off.
Some people are confused about fly ladies program. Fly girls and guys are not Stepford wives and husband’s. Yes, many men fly too. The fly lady system is anti Stepford. It’s down with the perfectionism that hold’s us back.


Blogger Alex said...

I struggle with being on program all the way. I get either the exercise or the eating right rarely both. I will admit when I get up and get my walking done early (like today) I make better food choices all day.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I have been struggling with being OP with exercise. I still do it but I am sort of going through the motions and I need to ramp it up and try something new. Sometimes a little change does me a lot of good. I tend to want to eat more when I am not exercising.

I make treats part of my program. I find out the calories for one peep and count by peep. So I can have three peeps in a day instead of a row or two in s sitting.
Self deprivation always lead me to binge. I’d binge after I lost it all then gain more.

10:58 AM  

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