Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Moving the Scale

Vh Melville

Here some tips about the scale. I even forget them and get frustrated just to be reminded again.

1. You must keep your scale in the same place to get an accurate reading. Moving a scale can alter the readings of even expensive models. Many floors may look level but often are not.
2. Digitals are wonderful scales but they are more often delicate than analogs and don’t last as long. Analogs are a little harder to read though. So you must decide what you want from a calculator.
3. Do not pay extra to get a fat % reading. These readings are highly inaccurate. A doctor’s office is often the best place to get a body fat measurement readings.
4. Your weight may fluctuate 6 pounds in any given day of fake weight. Now if you choose to weigh in daily you have to realize this as normal.
5. Some people want to know why their scale is different than the weight watchers, or Jenny Craig scale at their centers.
6. A weight watchers scale at meetings cost around five hundred dollars per scale. So yes, the reading will be different from your model even if you paid over fifty for it. Places like Weight Watchers must follow the letter of the law. Even on the best scale you might register false weight if you had a huge dinner before weigh in or are wearing jeans today and last week you wore a lighter outfit. I know eat before my weekly WI.


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