Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weight loss Tips That Worked For Me Series. Tips 5 to 7

Weight loss Tips That Worked For Me Series.

These are tips of what worked for me. You might not have the same results as I did..
Always check with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Weight loss Tips That Worked for me tip #5
VH Melville
I hear caffeine boosts your metabolism but it also can make you hungrier because it messes with the glucose level. So it makes you crave more food and more sugar.
Opt for diet caffeine free coke, and diet sprite. Drink the diet coke when nothing else is available, like at a fast food restaurant.

Weight loss Tips That Worked for me tip #6
VH Melville
Reward yourself for exercise. Let’s say, if you exercise for a half an hour three to five days a week for a month, you get one reward. Now, if you exercise an hour to an hour and half three to five days a week for a month, you get two rewards. Rewards can be anything but food. They can be dirt cheap like something from the dollar tree or an expensive spa treatment. My favorite rewards are small exercise equipment, DVD's, books, make-up, pans for my low fat baking, and whatever I fancy that month. Check with your doctor before doing any new diet plan. I love my “Yourself! Fitness” video game, it’s like a personal trainer but cheaper. There is a PC version you can get from

Weight loss Tips That Worked for me tip #7
VH Melville
Make sure you have all of these tools. Freezer bags or containers, dry measuring cups, measuring spoons, a liquid and a dry food scale. Get Nutrition guides for eating out. The things we think are healthy usually aren't. Get a food Journal. By keeping track of the food you eat throughout the day in you journal, even when it's ugly, helps you to stay focused and see where you can make improvements on making better food choices.


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