My Book Cover, Iportion On money: My Blog's Worth More, Stress Eating, thankful list, Baby Pounds,

This is my bookcover
Let me tell you about the Book Livia the Scientist
It's a book for the kid in grownups and scientist in toddlers.
I've gotten some good blurbs about the book so far.
The cover is both cute and creepy. This is one of the best
Publish America covers I've ever seen. The artist is Megan Steckler.
I might want to submit to to PA again just on the chance of her doing
another cover for me and that says a lot.
I did the inside art which is supposed to be drawn by the little scientist but I really did it. It's just a book that laughs at toddler behavior showing them to be vast scientific experiments. I already wrote draft the second book Livia the Scientist Discovers the Potty.
I can't wait till the book comes out.
Yes, I know Publish America's reputation but my other publishers were being slow. I wanted a quick book for my little ones while they were still young. I also didn't
want to pay for publishing and I wasn't charged anything for the cover art or anything else. I can't wait to hold this book in my hand and share it with the ones I love. When the book comes in print I will post a link to it.
Iportion on Money:
I may have lost my domain but my blog is worth more :-)
My blog is worth $28,227.00.
How much is your blog worth?
Stress Eating
I am going up a point or two do to some things going on. I am sure I will be up a pound or two or three. I have not been binging but a point here and there. I need to exercise more as well.
Thankful List
Husband my little ones
Baby Pounds
Woman breastfeeding or pump feeding
burns calories but lack of sleep can
cause weight gain. A new study says
that it's lack of sleep that causes
weight gain postpartum. They say
just getting two hours a sleep more
may help.
Weight watchers meetings have a
breast feeding plan but always check
with your doctor when going on a
diet. Never go on a diet when you
are knowingly pregnant.
The book looks and sounds great! Can't wait to buy a copy. ;)
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