Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

I had sugar free coco this afternoon. I worked on two non fiction wellness articles and I lost a little weight and I am closer to my set goal weight. I have some candy planned for tonight.
Not having some will make me want it even more.

A costly Treat: This article is on cost of Halloween

My true Halloween Costs:
I spent around $11 on candy and make up. Prices are a little higher where I live. I will use clothes and old costume pieces I have. I don't count the mini pumpkin I bought. That was an eating pumpkin.
My husband made cookies.
I might buy another pumpkin and half off bubble gum after Halloween.
I will not do a super low budget Christmas, but I don't think I will spend a lot in
decorations and I will use catalogs for wrapping paper again. The warpping paper is more about being earth friendly than the costs. Though they do save money.



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