Thursday, October 25, 2007


I think I gained a pound but this after I found out I lost more weight at a checkup. I have the munchies lately and I am not as active as I should be. I need a new food journal with lines. I always start messing up when just using unlined paper. I also seem not to do well when I eat less fruit. I tried to cut back and it's not working.

I put the weight I want to be in the BMI yesterday and the BMI said that was still overweight.

My weight loss before this pregnancy was around 118 pounds. After this pregnancy I decided to have a heavier weight. I have said this before but I lost too much body fat even though I had a BMI of 21 something. My goal weight will be 145 all together it will be an 80.8 loss instead of the 118 but I don't need to be bone thin.

The BMI is wrong sometimes it list a lot people especially men and women who need more body fat as fatter than they are. It's broken. The world obesity record would probably go down points and some people would lose grant money. I know one female personal trainer whose listed as obese even though she fits in a size eight. We need something better.

I spent under my grocery budget last which included date night food. I have to buy my Haloween stuff soon and a few weeks I have to start Christmas shopping.

Thankful List
The Love of my husband and little ones
finding the last stick of gum
Mother in law

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