Tuesday, December 19, 2006

catalogs, not bloated, Challenge, tip tag.

I feel less bloated today then I’ve felt in a while. I am drinking a lot more and eating more veggies


I like receiving a cat loge once or twice a year not every other week. There are some items where I live you cannot get locally without special order. I used to love looking at catalogs but it’s not my thing anymore. I see so much waste.

1. I mostly shop online because the prices are updated more. There are sales online not listed in the catalog.
2. There is a lot less clutter in my house
3. Less trees had to die
4. I feel less like I want to buy something if it’s crammed down my throat. Send me a little email reminder once a month and a yearly catalogue and I am good to go.

Fast Food Challenge
How’s everyone doing on that? I had chicken broccoli last week and it was good.

Healthy Tip Tag
You’ve been tagged share a healthy tip on your site. Do not take vacations from your eating plan for holidays instead plan them. Since my plan is flexible I am going to use my flex and mainline points for Christmas dinner. Often when you take a day off you get off track. I still plan to journal what I eat and I will probably eat more than people who take it off. I might gain a little but it will easyer if I say no matter what happens I have a plan.


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