Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Year: Turning I Cant’s Into I will

VH Melville

I’ve been Lessing my points/calories for the past week it’s been helping me recharge my batteries. I have to be less lax with what I choose to eat.
New years is coming up. I don’t want you to think of resolutions and the like except maybe got something super easy down. Like I will open a book this year or I will try a new exercise just once. The New Year is the time fitness stuff and diet plans goes on sale.
So if you want to join weight watchers remember New Years sales.

Today is a new day.
We can do this together.
What has stopped you in the past?
1. I can’t go on program it’s the holidays
2. I can’t eat healthy I am in a bad mood
3. Well I blew today I might as well blow the rest of the week.
6. Making to big of goals?

Stop the deftest in you: Stop your inner brat. Do not glorify your brat. Your brat needs a smack down.

1. Start over now
2. Write what you’re grateful for
3. Exercise

Use mini goals
Focus on what you can do.

Write what you’re grateful for
Today I am grateful
1. Husband and little one. 2. My crock pot 3. Being able to get a nap in after I did my housework.


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