Saturday, January 20, 2007

Four Questions

Four Questions
I need to go to sleep but I had to post Four Questions
Answer any you want to.

Question: What makes you feel healthy?
Question: Do you go to a gym or use DVDS at home or both?
Question: Any good blogs that teach sewing for clueless people?
Question: Do you have a home scale?


Blogger Jared Wash said...

Question: What makes you feel healthy?

Eating right and exercising daily.

Question: Do you go to a gym or use DVDS at home or both?

LA Fitness, I work there.

Question: Any good blogs that teach sewing for clueless people?

Don't know of any.

Question: Do you have a home scale?

Yes, but I never use it.

6:14 PM  
Blogger angelfish24 said...

What makes you feel healthy?
Eating healthy and working out
Do you go to a gym...?
I go to a gym, the Ymca, sometimes I'll do a stomach video or pilates at home.
Know of any blogs about sewing? No, sorry.
Do you have a home scale? Yeah, and get on it almost daily to keep me accountable. And wi at wt watchers weekly.

12:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i feel healthy when i eat healthy food and get my exercise in... i go to the gym 5x week during my lunchhour... and i have a digital scale, that shows increments of .2 pounds so a gain is very easy to see... :o(

2:31 PM  
Blogger NIUiceprincess said...

1. I feel healthy when I eat right (nothing too fattening, plus the daily allowance for veggies/fruits). Also when I go work out or do anything active.

2. I go to a gym 3x a week for an hour each, and 98% of the time I work to and from the train station to my building, 15-20 minutes each way (depending how fast i go lol). I also take figure skating lessons; and skate 2-3 times a week. I used to have a yoga dvd but with my arthritis I can't use it especially with the poses that put pressure on my wrists and hands :(

3. No I'm not aware of blogs for sewing, but I'm sure there's a bunch out there!

4. Yes but I only weigh myself about once a week, in the gym.

9:16 PM  
Blogger NIUiceprincess said...

sorry i meant "walk" not "work" to and from the train station =)

9:17 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

We have a fitness room gym that's just min from my house but I can't use it much.
I want to do my weights today at least for a few min.

1:55 AM  

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