Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy, three questions, de-lurking

Today was a great day. I am so happy.
I couldn’t do my grocery shopping even though it’s usually less than five minute walk to my house because it was so windy. I did have a yummy lunch out at a cafeteria today
And got to eat lunch with super cool people.
I had dry pasta, powdered milk, margarine, flour, spices and a can of stewed tomatoes. I made a pasta dish and my husband loved it. I love food storage because without it I would have been desperate for something to make.

1. What are you talented at? What inspired this question: Webgrl is such an amazing artist and she shared some work with me. She really should be doing book covers.
2. What exercise do you like to do? What inspired me: I am needing to do new things.
3. What are you planning for valentine’s day. What inspired this question: I read living to fell Good blog and eating healthy on valentines day was mentioned. I think it will be order in or cook in and watch a DVD with my husband.

PS it’s de-Lurking week I found about this on the Domestic Chicky so if you never posted before say hi


Blogger Unknown said...

i'm talented at art, making people laugh, and taking care of others...

i enjoy working out w/weights, jogging, and doing pilates...

i have no idea what i'm doing for valentine's day, i need to get thru my foot surgery first... :o)

10:24 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

Hope your foot gets better soon.

3:11 PM  
Blogger shrinky said...

It's a little late, but I figure better late than never!

1. I am talented at writing. While I tend to ignore grammar & whatnot on my blog, I write documents for a living and take a lot of pride in what I do.

2. I like to use an elliptical machine or do videos such as WATP for exercise.

3. I don't have any plans for Valentine's Day yet, but I'm hoping my husband will take me out somewhere for dinner, preferably for sushi.

12:17 PM  

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