Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yesterday, My Favorite Exercise Equipment, Thankful list. Another Pricey Dinner:

I feel I need to strength train more. Exercise started out well yesterday with little bursts but I needed more movement moments later in the day. I edited a novel and submitted a children’s book.

My Favorite Exercise Equipment
If your fitness equipment is just sitting there it’s being wasted. Today just use some of your stuff.

I love my step which is a small plastic step given to me as a romantic surprise from my husband which included the last Harry Potter book and Applebee’s so I could order from
The weight watcher menu. Beats fancy purses in my book any day.

I love my stepper. My stepper is a machine that my mom gave me. It has cross country polls on it. My mother gave it to me since she wasn’t us

Weights a reward I bought myself for exercise. I bought it on a New Year sale.

Stability ball: Another gift from my wonderful husband.

Thankful list
I am thankful for my husband and little one
I am thankful I got to sleep in for just a few extra moments

Another Pricey Dinner: 10,000 Dollar Dinner.

From the creators of the $25,000 dinner, there's another pricey gourmet feast on the horizon.
The will cost less than 10,000 a person.
A lot of the cost in the first meal turns out to be from the wine. I am glad I don't drink.
I really want to make a fancy dinner.
I am not looking to make a 25,000 dollar meal haven’t went to chef’s school which would most likely help.
I am eyeing gourmet cookbooks on Amazon. I’ve been hearing some bloggers talk about gourmet restaurants and cooking.
Could I cook a nice meal comparable to a little bit more fancy than red lobster?


Blogger NIUiceprincess said...

what exercises do u do with the stability ball?

11:04 PM  
Blogger KleoPatra said...

Very nice post.

Love the stability ball. I would like to get one of those to have at home! I borrow one when i am at work and sit on it when i can. I get some strange looks, but i don't care!

12:47 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I'm not coordinated enough for one of those balls. I tried it once and kept falling off. I must admit, I had a good laugh though.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

You work your core and belly as well as learning to be more stabily

I think walmart sells the cheapo one for around $12 to $17

It takes some getting used too.

7:42 PM  

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