Thursday, July 27, 2006

Healthy BBQ

Healthy BBQ
VH Melville
Maybe if you want a healthy BBQ you might want to host it yourself.
1. Find out a head of time where leftovers can go. What can freeze? What must be trashed?
2. Who will be doing the cooking? The invites.
3. What can you serve lean fish, chicken, trimmed steak, lean ham, veggie burgers,, roasted corn, and roast potatoes. Veggie burgers are good for those watching their weight and those who vegetarians too.
4. Fresh fruit like berries, grapes apples and melon. Melon is a summer treat and low in calories.
5. If serving sugar substitute for dessert you might want to put up a sign of what? Some people are sensitive to some kinds of sugar substitutes but not others. Also, some people might think the recipe has more sugar than it does. The sign will help them.
6. Condiments can be ketchup, mustard, salsa, lemon, low fat dressings, vinegar, salt and pepper. You might have little butter, and safflower oil for those who want it on their corn. Safflower oil is healthy oil like canola, light olive. I also add corn oil to this list.
7. Drinks: Bottled water, crystal light, diet sodas, club soda, vegetable juices. Have some diet sodas without caffeine as well. Some people can’t call any caffeinated drink water .
8. Make sure everything’s clean and properly stored.
9. Treats; Baked chips, and frozen yogurt. You might want some candy. Suckers have sugar in them but they are usually low in calories.
10. Find activities that keep you and the party moving and having fun. Do you love to play twister or dance?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might also consider serving kebabs at your BBQ--a good choice since they include lots of healthy, low-calorie veggies. Kebabs can help you stretch your financial AND calorie budget, because you use less meat.

BBQs are a great time to get everyone together for a group activity. Dancing is good, but don't forget about organized games if you have the lawn for it: volleyball, softball or something like that.

Healthy non-lettuce salads--like bean salads, whole wheat pasta salads or quinoa salads--are also good side dishes.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Cynthia Rose said...

A big salad is great too -- just offer a wide selection of low fat\low calorie dressings (like those from Walden Farms) or just olive oil and a good vinegar.

My husbands me a big bowl of yummy coleslaw when ever he bar b ques -- it is very low in calories -- he uses just the right amount of 10 zero fat mayo, a touch of vinegar, a packet or two of splenda, a little salt and pepper (though now I don't use the salt because I'm on low sodium). The exact measurements can be played with to taste or look up a good variation on the web. Coleslaw can be made with added shredded carrots and broccoli too for added flavor and healthy nutrition.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love BBQs in New Zealand, since generally there are a crowd of people who stand around watching the meat cook and there are others who go into the backyard for a random game of football/touch rugby/cricket/basketball. And because of the wide diversity of cultures, there are guarantees that there are some people there that won't eat beef/pork/chicken/fish/meat etc, so a small amount of a wide variety of things seems to have become the norm (as far as I can see).

All the same, I LOVE your list! I'll probably be referring to it when its a more sane time of the year to have a BBQ (winter over here, you see!)

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Iportion, thanks for the v&c. Love is a wonderful motivational tool, too bad some people have to beg for it. It's hard to cook one portion for one person and it's hard to pass up another portion when you don't want it to go to waste. How is that for an excuse? Good post, I like lists. God Bless you.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Iportion, thanks for the v&c. Love is a wonderful motivational tool, too bad some people have to beg for it. It's hard to cook one portion for one person and it's hard to pass up another portion when you don't want it to go to waste. How is that for an excuse? Good post, I like lists. God Bless you.

8:11 PM  

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