Friday, July 14, 2006

Eating Out is Fun to Do

Eating Out is Fun to Do
VH Melville
You can eat out and still be healthy. I know many people who while dieting say “I will never eat fast food or Mexican or ice cream again.”
This is unrealistic and they are surprised that will power fails and they re-gained it all and then some.
Keep dieting genuine to how you live.
Here are some tips to help you eat out.
Tips# Many people decide to take off their diet for vacation or when eating out. They never get back on. Make sure your plan is livable and that you can go out to eat on.
Tips# Get some dining out guides. Yes I know I repeat this but just because it looks healthy doesn’t mean it is. Some salads due to the dressing are more calories than the fries.
Tip# Get yourself a food journal and a pen what you’ve eaten. Yes I know I repeat this often but food journal is a tool like a duster or a timer is to someone doing the fly lady program.
Tip# Buy yourself a good calculator so that you know half the calories of the hamburger. Let the calculator help you with math.
Tip# For me non starchy veggies are free I still journal them but nothing else is involved. I can write down a lot of veggies, or lots of salad. I used to count veggies but found it not as fun and I am more opt to eat them if they are free. I love veggies now.
Tip# Salad bars aren’t evil just go around with a veggie plate first. Then get small bites of must have foods.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Iportion, Thanks for the visit and comment. I said in the beginning of my post, I assumed it was for a few pounds loss only. I have 135 to lose yet and think it would be impracticable for me to try to hide that much. Aside my whimsical read, I must say your site is so informative, intersting, and nothing to recon with if you're wishy-washy about being a healthy weight and maintaining the proper attitude. I am so glad I came across your site. Keep up the good momentum and cultivating hope for us all through your examples. God Bless you.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Living to Feel Good said...

Good advice. The salad dressing thing is so true, and so many people think that eating a salad is a better option for them, but then they pour all that fattening dressing all over it defeating the purpose.

Have a good weekend!

1:34 AM  
Blogger Donna said...


You left a comment on my blog I was curious about, saying you moved and stopped tasting mold in your water. Where'd you move from, and to. Were you in L.A.? I'm moving soon because of smog and traffic.


10:20 AM  
Blogger Marathon Someday said...

Great tips! The one that I find hardest is journalling my food intake. I find it to be really cumbersome...but at the same time, when I have done it, it's very eye-opening!

And you're sooo right about vacation dieting. It should never be a "free for all" - but rather, a more leniant week that has been planned for in advance.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

Thank of the fat, glad to hear from you.

Living to feel good. I hear if you eat the cease salad dressing and croutons’ at some place’s like Sam’s club consuming more than 1,000 calories.

Donna Will email ya :-)

Sonya At my dad’s wedding I chose veggies, fruit and ½ a piece of wedding cake over the sandwich because we were also going to eat at families that evening. Okay I really wanted the cake :-)

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Journaling is something I like to do, but when i eat out I typically get what I want, I just eat smaller portions of it.

8:20 AM  

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