Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cookie Monster Disaster

Cookie Monster Disaster
VH Melville
I was walking through the grocery store today. I was bored and needed to walk. I don’t get groceries till tomorrow. I picked up a giant cookie it said there were four servings in that one cookie. I plan to make my own soon. I then looked at muffins. Most of the muffins were medium size and something shocked me the blubbery said a serving was half a muffin. This was not an over sized muffin, it was regular sized. Half of it would have been slightly large than a mini muffin.
I have been obsessed with baked goods as of late. Mostly because I wish I was better. I want to be a healthy cook. I want my family to rave about some dishes.
My homemade tortillas are okay. My box mix cupcakes are pretty good. I used to make a good pie crust, but it’s been years since I made one. I’ve altrered some recipes with moderate successes mixed with a lot of failures.
I can follow recipes but I want to create my own. I am just not very good at it, yet. I think I need more of the basics. My latest creation disaster was cookies. I love oatmeal cookies.
I used to think oatmeal raisin cookies were just a trick to make you think were about to eat chocolate. That was until I tried one.
I’ve been making exponential low cal oatmeal and those I love have suffered eating it. You don’t want to make something that is tasteless or in my case slimy. Part of the reason I was missing ingredients that I didn’t have on hand. I just didn’t want to go to the store. I thought I could do without eggs and vanilla. I was very wrong.
I only found one person who enjoyed them and this person doesn’t have the most discriminating taste buds. These are cookies that would gag the Cookie Monster. Even the cookie monster on a healthy eating plan would still hate these.
The peanut butter oatmeal cookies were slimy. The raisin oatmeal cookies, were bready, slimy and sour at the same time. The mostly oatmeal ones tasted okay but were too hard.
I want to be a better healthy cook. What is something you want to work on?


Blogger Stephen said... for some of my favorite things to cook. for very easy to make and very good bread.

7:24 PM  
Blogger digitalGoobie said...

~Laughs~ Oh dude, I love cookies but remind me to stay away from those creations of yours!! They sound horrible!!

I'd like to be a more creative cook. I know how to make a wide range of dishes, and I never cook with instructions.. I just wing it usually. But I find I get stumped and don't know what to make a lot of the time..

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Iportion, Good post, I find shopping for myself is hard because one portion is all I am really interested in and I buy the whole thing and guess what, I eat the whole thing. I need to work on finding smaller packaged items. Plus I keep breaking the rule never shop hungry! Good for you baking (or attempting to bake) for your family. Some mother I was, I never baked a thing. Thanks for the v&c on my site. Everytime you comment about that 100 pounds you lost, I just want to hug you with congratulations, that is a real accomplishment! I think about the weight gone when I go up stairs in pain. How did I do it heavier? Bless you.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

Have you thought of making use of your freezer
Think of the fat

1. Halved bananas freeze. 2. Small salad chocolate pieces freeze. 2. Soup in bag freezes. 3 uniced cupcakes freezes.
1. Most types meringue cookies don’t freeze.

Do you have a scale can you scale and way the food and put into smaller bags.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Marathon Someday said...

I'm with you - I'm striving to cook more often, and eat out less. And that means learning healthy recipes that might seem like they're outside my comfort zone.

You're SO right about oatmeal raisin cookies always seeming like they were a chocolate-trick!

I loooove cookies. I'm trying to find a recipe that allows me to make cookies with raisins and seeds and oatmeal. Something that can be dipped into milk, you know?

2:59 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I love splenda but I seem to have gotten sensitive to it.
I decided to use brown sugar because I can use less of it.
My family derives food that tastes real.

PS All recipe you can search by ingredients.

5:17 PM  

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