Saturday, July 29, 2006

Promote your Web Weightloss Blog

Promote your Web Weightloss Blog
VH Melville
I do not have a blog roll. Post in 25 to 100 words about your health/blog it doesn’t have to be weightless relegated. No diet pill sites. I believe a doctor is best suited to what diet pills or supplement a person should be on. I am not against supplements I feel alterative medicine is medicine and should be treated with care.


Blogger diet dilemma magmem style said...

Hi Iportion, thanks for the v&c. Good advice form you as always, I'll try one first and then the other last which will be the scale. I would rather go one day without eating than one day wihtout the scale. Maybe when I get more pounds off I can join your site but now I am not a good example. I can talk the talk but need to walk the talk. Keep up your moitivating blog it is refreshing. Bless you.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Lily T said...

My blog is about my personal journey towards weight loss. Although I have lost 20 lbs so far, I am still overweight.

12:15 AM  
Blogger The Relentless Reader said...

Hey there, Jen here. I write about all sorts of stuff. My blog mostly pertains to the struggles and joys of weight loss though. I agree with Snackie in that all of this stuff brings out emotions that are better to be blogged about than stuffed deep down.

2:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

To me, there are three things that need to be addressed when it comes to losing weight, and I have a different blog for each of those issues. The first is food. My blog on this Are you going to eat that? follows what I eat every day. The second issue is exercise, and my blog Cardio & Earthquakes is about trying to fit in exercise into a busy schedule - at the same time as having to complete a degree! The third thing is emotions and triggers. My general weight loss blog Do you have an Extra Large in this? is where I talk about how I feel, why I feel that way, and its also my dumping ground for progress reports.

I... get the feeling that was more than 100 words (My logic, 100 words per blog, and I pimped 3? So I'm allowed a limit of 300...? I know, I'm pushing my luck.)

5:28 AM  
Blogger Marathon Someday said...

Hi there - this is Sonya. My blog is about my vegetarian weight loss journey to lose the rest of my weight - about 40 or so pounds. I've just become pregnant, so my current goal is to stay healthy and fit during this time. I'll resume my aggressive weight loss attempts after the baby arrives. I'll still be blogging during my pregnancy - about all the trials and tribulations I've always faced when trying to lose weight.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

i think you're right about the tiny amounts of food people chart. also, there's no regular coke on the foods list. the closest they have is regular caffeine-free. all i can think is "liars!". but then maybe they really think removing the caffeine makes all the difference.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i've been blogging about my weightloss for over a year and enjoy sharing my thoughts, struggles and acheivements with others... i also post weightloss/diet/food information that i've found on other blogs or websites... i think its great to have such a big family of fellow bloggers, all doing their own thing, in their own way... :o)

10:31 AM  
Blogger Belladora said...

I just turned 30 years old and have lost around 60 pounds so far. My blog is about weight loss through eating right and working out. No gimics, just counting calories and moving my behind!

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have a post like this, I was looking for other weight loss blogs and had a really hard time finding them.

My weightloss blog, is - it is about my journey to loose 150 pounds in hopes that it will help me to have my dream come true of having a baby.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Check me out, and follow my advice if you want to loose 102 pounds.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Bex said...

My name is Becky and you can find me at
I successfully lost 80 pounds in two years with L.A. Weightloss. I am trying to lose my last 20-30 pounds the good old fashioned way; diet and exercise and strictly counting my calories. In the meantime, I am preparing myself for a lifelong commitment to a healthy way of life.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Momasita said...


My blog is at It's about my weightloss journey on weight watchers. I'm 35, getting married in October and am blogging about life on ww.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Twisted Cinderella said...

My blog is my place to share my weightloss struggles. It is a place to keep me motivated. I have lost 49 lbs so far and I need someplace like that to keep my eyes on the prize. I like to share whatever inspirational articles, or articles of interest, any insights I may have or any inner demons I have to fight.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Melissa S. Green said...

Terveys (Finnish for "health") is a personal health blog, with focus on insulin resistance, prediabetes, & diabetes prevention,
fat loss, diet & fitness, & other stuff I'm dealing with. Losing weight -- or more accurately losing body fat — is part of a more general goal of preventing myself from getting diabetes & becoming healthy & fit. I post a lot of stuff both about food & about exercise & fitness.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw this post when I was adding your blog to my Technorati’s favorites, hence my late entry here.

My blog covers diet, fitness, health and Hollywood celebrities; with unique opportunity to ask me questions that I personally answer. It is all presented to you in an easy to read and often humorous format. You will get useful information and will have fun too.

I am not certified. But I come from the fitness industry, and over the years have helped many people lose weight and build muscles. My friends jokingly call me PopFitnez, because of the work I did in LA.

2:20 AM  

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