Monday, February 26, 2007

Be strong

Diet cliché’s I hate
You can never be to rich or two thin: (You can die of starvation or stop menstruating)
Nothing tastes better than thin. (Food tastes pretty good and should taste good vegetables can taste wonderful

I made my first simple French soup it was actually very low in calories the only ingredients were bullion
and flour I per sonly ground “with a machine. “ I love salt but I would have added a little more water. It was a little salty for my tastes.

I weight trained in the morning instead of the afternoon. I have a weigh in planned but it feels okay even if the training gains me a few ounces in water. I want to be strong.

What are things you like to spend on that are pure splurges.
Gym membership?
Shoes or Purses?
Sporting goods?
Fast food?
Gifts? “I am not talking Christmas and birthday here but every day gifts for people”


Blogger PearShapedGirl said...

I hate those stupid cliches too. I don't know how you can compare the taste of food to the way a thin body feels... Hmm, as for splurges, I guess I sometimes splurge on nice make-up or perfume or a nice purse. Not very often, maybe a couple times a year.

Take care,

5:52 PM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I had a thin body but the food was calling out to until I binged.
I find I eat healthyer when I eat foods I like.

8:32 PM  
Blogger NIUiceprincess said...

I guess my gym membership is a splurge since I can really run outside for free if i want to, and use dumbbells at home for weight training, except i choose not to. I like the atmosphere of a gym and the people (customers/staff) are all motivating.

Shoes and PURSES are definitely splurges to me.

My skates cost roughly $571 which I just paid off, so that was a definite splurge but I see it as an investment in a loved hobby...and it'll last me for a good five years or so (till it's time for the next upgrade).

Not really into giving people gifts just because, unless i'm at a clearance sale or something, then I'll get my mom or fiance or sister a $5 shirt or something.

8:56 PM  

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