Saturday, February 17, 2007

I want to do it all

I decided to not get the easy bake oven right now and maybe get it for my birthday or Christmas when the ovens will be fixed. I could buy something else with my mad money instead like book or perfume. I bought myself some nice perfume that I've longed to try for the last few years.

I forgot to do my weight training so I ended up doing it at midnight.

What should I do?I want to do it all.
Learn to be a fitness instructor Learn gourmat cooking "I might do this just for fun"
Learn how to make my own bath pruducts.
Learn to make my own diet soda
Learn to sew. "This is very hard for me." I love to look at sewing and feel it's art but at the same time it scares me.

I found this article: The real reason your broke your car.


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