Friday, March 16, 2007

Hard Day's Night, thankfull list, Spread the Word Day

Hard Day’s Night
I had a really rough day last night was supposed to be a little jaunt to the post office. I learned I am a better person and more capable than I give myself credit.
I didn’t get to strength train until after 11pm.
I ate Mexican food I spilt it and didn’t have the sour cream. It was good and something I don’t get all the time. I had my salad without any dressing and just put pepper on it.
I did eat real Pringles. I counted them. I wanted them for days. There were no reduced fat Pringles.
I ate lots vegetables. I do not know how I didn’t binge.
I went grocery shopping and brought home good food.
Husband made it better we watched a science show on DVD. It was called connections and is a lot of fun. It’s about different inventions and scientific processes and how they relate to each other.
I described my perfect guy to my mother when I was 12. She told me “He doesn’t exist”
When she met my husband who was my then boyfriend she exclaimed. “He does exist. He does.”
Ever since I was seven and then really starting at 12 I’ve been super attracted to math and since guys what other people call nerds. To be truthful I have an artist brain. Math and I have not gotten along.

I woke up in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep.

Thankful List
I have more to thank for than usual
My family
That my little one only has a cold
That I get spend date night with my husband
That I have a heart full of love
My mother in law. “I love her so much”
caffeine free Diet soda
Save a lot products
Homemade wheat crust pizza
That I can send virtual cards to friends
Amazon they just sent me another package
Little miracles

Spread the Word Day
Sometimes I have a spread the word day which I allow people to talk about their blogs.
So if you have a health, cooking, or money blog and want to share about it post it.


Blogger Weight Master said...

Thankful for;
Family, Friends, my Fiancee and patience to work in an office where I'm the only male. Just kidding, the ladies are great...(most of the time).

3:02 PM  

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