Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gift to me

Gift to me
I found out my new pedometer shipped woo hoo. I saw a pink on Amazon for less than $6 I cannot wait to get.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Update sort of

The move has put on hold and might not happen

I get my mother's day this weekend knock on wood

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I had four hour sleep the might before last making getting almost enough sleep feel quite extravagant.
I went on a shopping spree via Amazon. Mostly fun educational items, toys for the family. This was planned in advance put in the budget. It was fun. I have some educational books as well.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Mother's day

For mother's day I am looking for a massage and a nap. We usually get fun mother's and father's day gifts. Since our move has put on hold. We find out if we move or stay next month.
So gift buying is on hold right now but life isn't.
I needed some book but got one at the library. I also got some free children's books from their toss out box.
Father's day will be a new wok to replace my husband's ruined one.

He is a weekend chef.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Lazy lazy lazy

I can't believe how lazy I am posting
Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge More blogs about iportion.