Friday, June 29, 2007


For more people into designer stuff: This includes guys. I know guys who are more into that sort of stuff than I am. Bluefly sells discount designer duds.

Thankful list
That my little one is well cared for and my sweetie husband
That I am blessed
Good Family DVD's that my little one loves

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bag Borrow or Steal

My back aches today and I am so exhausted. I moved a dresser but I didn't do anything too active today.

Mood: Thankful
Thankful List
My husband or Little One

Bag Borrow or Steal
I am not a member. I am not into collecting designer bags but for those who want to have these type a bags but not buy them there is. Membership provides designer handbags on loan. Use the bags, trade in for a new selection, or for purchase. Rental prices differ depending on Merchandise.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wish list

Wish List
I guess everyone should have a good wish list
What do you wish for
Back massage
The email of news I am hoping for

Thankful List
My husband and little one
Family friendly DVDS

Monday, June 25, 2007

Saving on Cosmetics

Confession: I haven't weight trained lately

Saving on Cosmetics
A friend of mine sent me this link to the discount line ELF. I had purchased Elf lip pumper from and it was pretty good and the price was only a buck instead of $15 or higher

Thankful List
My husband and little one
That the laundry is put away
Any Sleep I get

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Birthday Gift

My body feels like it is going to fall apart but I did get some fitness in via cleaning but not as much as last week.

My huby wants to treat me for my birthday.
I am thinking of doing a small splurge for my birthday which is coming up in a few months.
I would like something small, something fun and if it keeps me moving or makes me feel cool.
I love technology and bath products.
It must not be real jewelry: I prefer costume jewelry. The whole diamond and women thing is just pure advertisement. I find cubic and even just as pretty.

Find Joy: What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for
Little one

Friday, June 22, 2007

A lovely and Lazy Day

My back is aching but that should be relived shortly. I had a lazy day today. I felt like doing nothing.
It was raining real hard and it cooled down the apartment. I did get my cleaning and writing in. I made my cosmetic section more compact and easy to find. I tossed our comforter two weeks ago and used an older one I had folded away. The older one actually looked crisper and newer.
I think I love my new peaceful look to the apartment. Everything crisper and nicer.
I plan to try to put my art collection back in the walls in the next few weeks

Things I am thinking of buying to enhance my apartment's new look
New sheets
Coobook "Ebooks"

Thankful List
Husband and little one
The rain
Back rubs from huby

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I like 99 scent stores.

Confession: I ate too much potato

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Got the good news I needed "All is well so far
Back rub
Good water

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I am addicted to Clutter

I am addicted to clutter.
I am doing a lot of tossing lately. I am trying to create more comfort and abundance with less.
I am in less want when I only get those things that will ad blessings to my life.
Why do we collect junk?
What is junk? Anything we buy and never use? Anything we have to buy a new one because we can't find it. Are we addicted to shopping? Are we addicted to clutter? Do we think if we keep something long enough it will have value?

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Got the good news I needed "All is well so far
Back rub
Good water

Monday, June 18, 2007

Closet Clean Out

I was so exhausted this morning but I got some sleep in. It's sometimes hard for me to sleep at night.
Today I cleaned out the linen closet which I had converted the lower half to a clothes closet for my little one. I did this because clothes would be all over the house if I didn't J I threw some outfits away but most I just re-organized.
I am thinking of buying more ebooks. I love books in all form but I like to have space too and some books like cookbooks work better

Thankful List
My family Husband, Little one, Mom aka Mother in Law
A tidy linen closet

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Clutter wastes time

Today I de-cluttered an unused problem cookie/sugar jar and some mismatched wood toys and a couple of baking pans. Yesterday I de-cluttered and re arranged the cabinets. It's hard to find things if you have items you don't use. I wish more cookbooks came in ebook for. I love cookbooks but many take up way too much space.

Thankful List
That my husband spent time with me yesterday
My little one
The beautiful weather

Friday, June 15, 2007

Vote for the Shrinking Mom

The Amazing Shrinking Mom has entered a photo contest if you vote for her she may win $500
The photo has Melodee H. Washington under it. I think her photo is so cute. All you do to vote is click on her photo.

PS Spead the word on your blog too

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Got the good news I needed "All is well so far"

I will follow

I still plan to blog but I feel I need to take 2 Nickels Making A Dollar's advice and not be a leader for a while. I am not eating like I should be eating and not saving like I should be saving.
I think I will still write about fitness, saving and spending but just announce right now I am not a leader.

thankful List
Love of my husband and the laughter of my Little One

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Good vibes, and books

Need Good Vibes: That the stress I had over the past two weeks will be gone. Also I need good vibes that my novel will find the right publisher.

Love of Books I love books a bit too much.I pared down my collection: Some
children's books went to friendsSome children's books went to the
lobby of a hospital. Cookbooks I found I love mostly to
collect. I decided to pare down my
collection so it fits my
personality. I am keeping some of my
beloved fun books and some fun
health books and this lovely
esthetic Chinese cookbook that's
just pretty to look at. I pared
down some cookbooks that I had
repeats to. I put them in my church
as a cookbook library. I got rid of a lot of star trek
books I got free at the library. I
love star trek but the books were
meant for a friend but I finally got
around to giving them. The stuff I felt wasn't good enough
for anyone got thrown in the trash.

Thankful list
Husband and our Little one
A de-cluttered home
Seamonkeys "I need to start my tank

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Workouts you like

What workouts Do you Like or Don't
I like a lot of different kinds of workouts but I realize everyone has workouts that are not for them.
I know yoga is great and all but I haven’t found a yoga workout I liked. Your Fitness was a little better but I find most yoga workouts just boring and stressful on my body. I prefer Pilates because it builds the core and helped me with flexibility. It does stretch the body and teaches breathing but I like that it helps make the body leaner.
I like weights, walking and bad dancing.
Do not do workouts you hate.

Thankful list
Husband Little one
A de-cluttered home
Ice cream

Saturday, June 09, 2007


I just baked low fat brownies for a party the only low fat thing of the evening.
I de-cluttered my stepper but kept my step. I think I need something smaller.

Thankful list
My beautiful family
My church
Good water

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Dreams, goals, and Gratitude and Pampering

MMMMMM for some reason I was so busy yesterday my post didn’t show up LOL
I could fix it but I find it kind of funny.

What are your Goals, and Dreams?

What are your goals they don’t have to be weight related?
Post a success you had this week or a dream filled:
I got inspired by this post when
Laura Moncur sent me an email about her new treadmill walking fitness DVD.
How many dreams do we never even try to bring to pas?.
Laura’s latest creation is called Wintery Walk.
You can see a preview here:

Gratitude Homework: Thinking about Me and fitness:
I read content me centered fitness and I have focused on this before, but when weightless is strictly about me I head for the chips. Overeating food is just another way we take care of ourselves. We cannot learn to love of ourselves if we think only of our selves not those around us. It’s not an aptitude I have to give and do everything for everyone that doesn’t teach self reliance but I will genuinely think of other’s.

Now thinking of others should not mean you shouldn’t pamper yourself every once in a while. How you treat yourself shows a map to your family and friends treat you treat others.
Pampering homework:
Pamper yourself once this week for reaching a goal.

Thankful List
Husband, my little one
Blessing others
My skirts “I found a couple de-cluttering”

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Water thanks

Didn’t drink as much water as I’d like today.

Thankful List
Husband, little one
Beautiful sunshine

Monday, June 04, 2007

Low Carb, thanks

Low Carb
I don't do low carb but I found a great low carb article For low carbers I found this great article on Top Ten mistakes Low carbers make. article shows you where you can get low carb sources of fiber. Many people confuse high carb with high fiber. A lot of high carb foods have little or no carbs since they are mostly sugar. I found poor articles written on low carb in the past that fiber is not needed. Fiber is not a mircle diet food but the reason we need it, because without it we’re constipated and grumpy. You don’t want to down large almounts of fiber mixes that can cause bloating especially if the person is a soda drinker.

Thankful list
My husband and little one
De-cluttering things I don’t need that may

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Budget Luxury: Help the earth and Your Wallet in Luxury, Thankful,

Budget Luxury: Help the earth and Your Wallet in Luxury, Thankful,
VH Melville
This list of green ideas does three things; they care for the environment, save money and even add luxury. This way you can also save on the things you want.
1. Use real cloth napkins instead of paper. Unless you’re doing a huge picnic cloth is a good chose. This look elegant, make less trash ad save money.
2. Use powdered milk. Powdered milk wastes less than both regular or raw because you only make it when you need it. Powdered milk also saves gas since you are less likely to have to rush to the store. Powdered milk is also used in many expensive smoothie mixes and they even sell organic powdered milk if you want organic.
3. Use pretty rags as paper towels. Cut up good looking cloth to do wipe downs instead of ugly cloth you don’t want to use.
4. Unless you’re using your grocery bags for trash bags you might want to bring cloth bags to the store and have the groceries fill that instead of paper or plastic. Plastic bags cost the store money which add to your prices.
5. Visit the library: There is something mystical about the library. You can find which books are worth your money.

Thankful list
My husband and little one
Finding the battery charger
My stability ball
Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge More blogs about iportion.