Pretty Ugly Clutter, Share Your Diet, Cookbook update
When I was a little girl I would love to visit elderly women's houses that had loads of pretty fairy figurines and glass dolls. I wanted them all. I have changed so much. It's all pretty clutter.
I'd rather go to visit people's home and have some nice tech stuff than have pretty clutter.
I am no longer trying to be famous. I see Brittney spears and fame kind of bites big time.
My goals are to make my family smile, help others, be a good wife and mother, read books.
If you don't use it in over a year. It's clutter. If you don't smile when you see it, it's clutter. Pretty clutter can become ugly fast.
I remember reading an article and seeing a TV show about a woman obsessed with buying high priced toddler clothes.
Her home was drowning in clothes. What once looked cute became trashy, dusty, and unused. It was only suited for a yard sell or trash heap.
My goal today is create another maybe pile of books and create a deffnit pile of things I do not need.
Yes I will have some clutter from toys that my children need but I think I will get rid of one or two items they don't.
Share your Diet Plan
I start my new diet Monday. I will most likely do WW but might want to combine it with something else.
What your diet. Do you do you prefer a low carb, South Beach, That Shangri-la diet, ediets, or another.
What about calorie king?
Cookbook Update
I now have made room for my two books I purchased but they haven't been sent
Yesterday I made massive progress in my cookbook give away pile which I plan to get rid of this weekend.
Thankful List
Husband, little one
Peanut butter