Friday, February 29, 2008

It seems I keep coming down with things. I still can function and I am pretty happy.

Hopefully we will move in a couple of months.
We will still need some paperwork.
I've been also looking up furniture up the net. This place is furnished and we will only be taking a few pieces with us.
I am thinking of going green and getting a used dining set.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To Do list

My to do list
Play peek a boo with my little ones
Make silly faces
Watch sighing time DVD
Give a hug

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More On I belive

My diet started fine then went down hill today. I am barely in my range. At least I am having lots of fun eating LOL

More On I Believe
Exercise should be fun and involve family not be a solitary thing
I still have too much clutter
In music
in Love
In faith

Husband and little ones
Lemon aid "It might seem a small thing but citric acid deficiency causes scurvy"

Friday, February 22, 2008

I Belive

What do you Belive

I Belive
I believe that I am not always right but I am not always wrong
I believe that I need to live more green
I believe that l cannot love me without love forever
I believe that immunizations save children's lives and do not cause autism
I believe that I am creative
I believe vegetables can be yummy
I belive I love my life and I have a life better than I can

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A bit grumpy

I am a little sick today. I feel a little nauseous. I slept a little late today and I am still tired.
But the world is bright and beautiful. The sun sparkles on the snow.
I have lots of little blessing even though I am a bit grumpy.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I ate chocolate today and potato chips. mini half off snickers. I couldn't eat till late. I am still hungry.

I do not feel people praise one another enough.
Why don't you do a small act of Kindness

My books
My books should be here by Saturday but mail can be slow where I live.

My blog is worth $28,227.00.
How much is your blog worth?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spread the love

Happy Valentines Day
Spread the love by saying thank you
If you look for the negative in life you will find it
Ways to show love
1. Write a quality not listing of your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend
2. Donate to a charity
3. Buy a box of children's valentine cards and spread the love.
4. Listen to happy music

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What Would you Write, thanks

What would you Write?

If you were writing yourself a love letter what would you write? What quality in yourself do you like? I want you to write three nice things about you. You can share or not share.

What would you write?
What nice things are about your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend?

What would you write?
People often find fault with the world what do you find right with the world?

Thank You list
Husband, little ones

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Your cool List?

Things that are cool to do when not online
What is your cool to do list?
1. Watching a movie with husband
2. Playing with play dough with the little one
3. Reading a good book
4. Playing with both little ones
5. Date with husband
6. Making people smile
7. De-cluttering "I am getting to the point am happy with less stuff"
8. Pampering myself or people I love.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Darth Mom

Darth Mom
I've gone over to the darkside and join my friends. Shopping is so
expensive where I live. I live while I did look at somes prices.
I just put things in my basket like buying the same specail fun toy in
the shopping in a row.
It's a stress ball and my little one had such a fun time playing with
me with it. We beat the last one to heck.
It was only 2.99 so I bought another one.
So I was a spendy mom.

I threw out more stuff yesterday and gave away even more. I am throwing a cake pan today. I am going to to go over my fitnees gadgets as well. I need the body ball.

Little ones

Friday, February 08, 2008

Be Happy

I woke up tired today and kind of grumpy today.
I need a nap but I feel this day can be okay even without the nap.
I will de-clutter and work on my law of abundance article.

What do you need to feel happy?
1. Is it a career
2. Weight loss
3. Money
4. Things
5. Toys
Can you be happy now on the journey

Be thankful
I am thankful for my husband and little ones

Thursday, February 07, 2008

pretty ugly clutter, Share your Diet Plan,Cookbook Update

Pretty Ugly Clutter, Share Your Diet, Cookbook update
When I was a little girl I would love to visit elderly women's houses that had loads of pretty fairy figurines and glass dolls. I wanted them all. I have changed so much. It's all pretty clutter.
I'd rather go to visit people's home and have some nice tech stuff than have pretty clutter.
I am no longer trying to be famous. I see Brittney spears and fame kind of bites big time.
My goals are to make my family smile, help others, be a good wife and mother, read books.

If you don't use it in over a year. It's clutter. If you don't smile when you see it, it's clutter. Pretty clutter can become ugly fast.
I remember reading an article and seeing a TV show about a woman obsessed with buying high priced toddler clothes.
Her home was drowning in clothes. What once looked cute became trashy, dusty, and unused. It was only suited for a yard sell or trash heap.
My goal today is create another maybe pile of books and create a deffnit pile of things I do not need.
Yes I will have some clutter from toys that my children need but I think I will get rid of one or two items they don't.

Share your Diet Plan
I start my new diet Monday. I will most likely do WW but might want to combine it with something else.
What your diet. Do you do you prefer a low carb, South Beach, That Shangri-la diet, ediets, or another.
What about calorie king?

Cookbook Update
I now have made room for my two books I purchased but they haven't been sent
Yesterday I made massive progress in my cookbook give away pile which I plan to get rid of this weekend.

Thankful List
Husband, little one
Peanut butter

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Two more Books

I bought two books this week that I felt would help me make major changes in my life. They have not shipped yet. I did a month of research to pare it down to these two books. The original list was very large.
I gave away and threw out more books than I bought today. I will add a couple more books to my give away pile. I find cookbooks even ones I don't use or like are the hardest to give up. I am paring down my cookbook collection. I discovered an activity book I actually needed near my cookbooks.
When I moved here our stuff didn't arrive till months later. I really missed favorite pots and pans, food storage, photo albums and favorite DVds. There was a lot I didn’t miss cleaning. We brought our scriptures, clothes, roomba and blender.
I want to de-clutter at least one more cookbook and one more book that I will never re-read.

I am making many positive changes in my life. I really like this new me.

I hope to start eating well again Monday. I am not going to lie I have some fun eating this weekend. I was thinking of slim fast to jump start into WW again but they don't sell it in powder just the packaged ones. I feel it be better for the earth.

Thankful list

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Book Addiction

I got to start eating healthy again. I did well for a few days and then oh well.

Book Addiction
I bought some books from Amazon. I just couldn't wait any longer. I wanted them now.
I guess I won't be getting a kindle this year after all. I love books in print, as ebooks, audio books on CD.
I am not so found of books on tape since I don’t have a tape player and they break on me when I did have a tape player.
What is your shopping Addiction? I also love tech stuff but I usally get my husband's old stuff when he is getting something new. That's just fine with me.
My husband did go to half a dozen stores to find me a Wii for my birthday.

I am still de-cluttering my life. I got rid of more clothes and a picnic basket. My husband and I romantic picnics we end up taking the cooler. Why keep something we rarely use?

What is keeping you from reaching your dreams?

Thankful list
Family husband and little ones
A clutter free home

Monday, February 04, 2008

Declutter my life

I removed so many clutter files of my comp. Most of them were notes for a writers org when I was their PR chair. I had help to block some time off the computer. I've been okay blocking myself but I felt there was room for improvement. I removed newsletters and some of the blogs I read. They were good but I really needed to pare down.
I am reorganizing my life. I hope that doesn't mean less blog readers not that I have been eating or exercising or saving money for that matter.
I am de-cluttering things for the move as well. Some of these items I have set aside as gifts but many items are heading straight to the trash. The person I was five years ago could have never parted with these things. I have to make room for my children's toys.

I want to splurge not on a purse but on a kindle
I am eyeing a kindle I love books but they take way too much space. The books I want are not added yet.

Clutter Free Challenge
Do you have something you don't need that can bless another pass it on.

Thankful list
Husband and little ones
Water or sugar free punch " I was thirsty when I wrote this. "

Sunday, February 03, 2008

off line

I wrote this off line.
My router stopped working right before my husband left for a business trip. They sell few computer parts in town and it's been windy. A lot of the things where I live lol can only be bought via a internet.
My husband picked a part up on his trip. While I like my net I miss my husband a lot more.
Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge More blogs about iportion.