Online Fitness/diet Programs: Anyone a member of an online diet program? I am looking for an online program. I am doing weight watchers on my own but I'd like added support.
1. Weight watchers? 2. Tops? 3. Calorie King. 4. Spark people. 5. Fitday
Baby Clutter
VH Melville
Babies seem to need so much stuff and more furniture than adult does.
Many articles tell you what you need but many articles skip and forget to tell you what you don't need.
1. Baby walkers with wheels: These look fun at toy stores and many parents think that they will have faster walkers. What these well meaning parents are unaware of is these walkers are dangerous. They have problem with tipping over and can cause brain damage. Also many children have been burned when it gives them mobility to the stove.
2. Life Insurance: Children usually have no income, health insurance is a much choice.
3. Crib pillows, heavy quilts, large crib toys and borders. These are expensive, unneeded and sometimes unsafe.
4. Expensive baby clothes: It's good to have one or two nice Sunday outfits but for a newborn they grow out of things quickly and look good in a $5 dollar outfit as they do in $60 dollars.
I have always been more into casual and mini games so the wii seems cool. I am looking forward to the Wii Fit board as well as the game Ninja Bread Man which is a budget title.
I've been more spendy lately. Produce can be very expensive when you're eating healthy.
Fitness: I did a little stability ball and a little dancing.
If I eat out this week I will get delivery I am thinking grilled chicken sandwich or Chinese.
Thankful List
I am thankful for my husband and little ones
My friends
For water and peppermint tea