Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On husband's birthday we rode in a friend's small plane. It was a lot of fun.
My Harry Potter book just arrived. It will take a lot longer to read this book than my past books but more to do with family obligations than the size of the book. I used to be able to read a 400 page book in a night or two. I have to read now :-) in evening I plan to watch a movie with my husband so I'd like to at least four or chapters out of the way.
As I knew my posts are becoming more infrequent and will become even more so in the next few weeks.

Fitness Video Games

Another fitness video gaming is xaixport. I've never played it. The console is rather cheap just $79.99 but the games are pricey. Does anyonr have it or like it?

Thankful List
My husband
My little one
My friends

Friday, July 27, 2007

Shopping for Birthday meal, Wi, and thankful list

I went shopping today, then to the hospital for a appointment, then to get mail, shopping again, home to drop off groceries and then back to the hospital to pick up meds. I started the dryer. It's my break to sit down.

My husband made out of list yesterday for things he wanted for his birthday lunch. I was more than happy to do it. He had planned to do it himself found out work will be busy and he's such a sweet heart and I do enjoy shopping for him. It's to feed 12 people so he gave me a list of what he needed. I did remember to get him caffeine free non-diet soda. I also got a few staples for next week because I don't plan to go shopping next week. I am all shopped out for the next two weeks LOL. I am doing some shopping in a few weeks.

I saw some places selling Wii bundles that are not really bundles They try to make it look like that the 5 sports games are extra add ons but they are not. You get the 5 sports games for free.
I am thinking of getting a wii bundle but I do not like paying double price for something with no added value

Thankful List
For my husband and wee little one
For apples

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Spend thrift

Spend Thrift
I am now 4 dollars over my grocery budget. Monday started out well. I was 31 dollars under budget but being ill prepared and then ill got to me.
I ended up spending $10 Yesterday. I forgot the Sippy cup on the table when going out with little one.
I ended up buying drinks and snacks.
Then last night an illness returned and I had to go out to the store and I had to buy more and the brand I wanted was all sold out.
August I will be spending a lot more than I spent this week by a long shot, but I know it will cost more but I hate spend thrift surprises

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Beautiful weather

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Do you have a Wii

Do you have a WII
VH Melville
I got my husband the xbox 360 which is a good machine and the graphics are amazing.
Wii seems to be popular on price, it has games that target woman and the action controller. My husband hinted he might try to get one for my birthday. I know they are hard to get a hold of unless you buy a bundle. I think the Wii is so cool and I do want one, but will I use it? I have a playstation 2 but I am not sure I want to get a play station 3. I loved kinetics but the other eye toy games I have were not programmed well and it's sometimes hard to use the eye toy. Even though it was inexpensive I feel I wasted money by not using it enough will I waste the Wii as well.
Does anyone have a Wii? Do you want one?
Do you like it?
Does it make you want to exercise?

Thankful List
Husband and little One

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hasn't Shipped

My copy of Harry Potter hasn't shipped. It most likely will ship Monday. I might not get the book in time for my vacation. I could rush to the library but I bet the book is on hold for the next few months. I didn't see any copies in the town stores but I have to go food shopping soon.
It was a good day. Daddy "My sweet husband" took me and the little one out to eat. I also was able to get a nap in.

I am going to be very busy for the rest of the summer.
I won't be able to post as much as I’d like too.
I've asked webgrl to post, and hopefully will get another blogger to blog as well.

Thankful List
My husband and little one
That I got a nap today.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Make it taste Good

The US used to have a big vitamin deficiency problem until they enriched white bread and cereal.
They found adding value to something that tastes good works better than guilt. Since doing this
Vitamin deficiency is rare among the US population.
Children do not need vitamin supplements and they can be dangerous for small children and are a waste of money.
We have to make good food taste good. You can't force yourself to eat a salad so make it taste good.

Look what happens when you try to force a kid to eat healthy. They rebel and we do the same. Good food should be a treat not a punishment.

Thankful List
My little family: enough said

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I would Rather, birthday

I would Rather :
I rather: Kiss my husband than meet any so called Hollywood hunk. He is my best friend, smart, funny and just adorable.
I would rather be: Debt free then have a new car
I would rather have: A good back rub from my husband than a $200 shoes
I plan to be: A good wife and mother
I would rather have: Good perfume than imitation perfume
I would rather show: spunk and kindness
I would rather: Shop Amazon than Ebay

Birthday: My husband's birthday is coming up. I have to come up with some ideas.

Gratitude lesion:
Give your love a big hug and a kiss

Thankful List
I hope my thankful list doesn't bore you
But I am thankful for my husband and little one
I am thankful that I am a spiritual and creative being

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Working at home, Sleep, Potter

Working at Home
Once in awhile sell a writing piece but I am not trying to earn a living. I just like to buy a gift for my wonderful husband every once in a while.
Do any of you work at home? What do you do?

I have been exhausted and just want to sleep but have trouble sleeping at night. I did get to sleep in today. Fitness and healthy eating work better when the body is well rested.

I am waiting for the next potter book to come in the mail. I heard that my order might be slower to come. I just hope I get it next week. It would just bite if It came when I go on 'vacation' with my family.

Thankful List

Friday, July 13, 2007

Working From Home

Party Sales: Working from Home:
Have you ever been to a party that sells a product? The products could make up, baskets or books.The median income of people who do direct sales is 2,500 a year. You are most likely not going to become rich by having in home parties.
I personally would buy maybe Avon perfume once in a while but I don't like to feel pressured to spend money at a party. There is one item of party light alike but it's really impractical and expensive with someone with a wee little one.
I only go to these things rarely. Most of these party items I just find overpriced.

Thankful List
Cute husband and little one

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fake cakes, thanks

Those looking to save on your wedding cake
No calorie wedding cake. While watching TV clips online I saw one on fake wedding cakes by fun cakes that can save money if you rent or pass them on to other family members. I got my cake at walmart but this might seem like a nice option for some.

Heres the article from AP
Business rents out fake wedding cakes
June 12, 2007
GRANDVILLE, Mich. --For the budget-minded bride and groom, here's an idea: rent a fake wedding cake.
Article Tools
The idea is to have an elegant, multitiered pretend cake for show while serving guests slices from a real but inexpensive sheet cake.
The inside of a faux wedding cake crafted by Fun Cakes contains mostly plastic foam, with a secret spot reserved for a slice of real cake to be shared by the bride and groom.
Everything is covered by gum paste and fondant, a frosting-like confection made from sugar and water often used in cakes and pastries.
"The only difference is the inside. Nobody can tell," said Kimberly Aya, whose 3-month-old company also bakes real cakes.
Fake cakes aren't new but renting them is fairly novel.
Mary Brown, manager of Cakes Plus in Grand Rapids, said her bakery has rented out its window displays a few times when brides were desperate and needed something at the last minute.
Brown said a typical three-tier cake serving around 100 guests costs an average of $200 to $250. Aya charges $100 to rent an in-stock fake cake and $150 for a custom design.
Bride-to-be Nicole Kreuger, 26, of Grand Rapids, said she will spend about half as much on a fake wedding cake paired up with a sheet cake as she would have spent on a real cake elsewhere.
"That's saving us a ton of money," she said.
© Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This

PS More Sites on fake cakes.I found these sites on fake cakeshttp://spoiltrottn.com/bakerycakes.htmlhttp://www.customdesignedcandles.com/Rent-A-Cake%20Fake%20Wedding%20Cakes.htm

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Diet 7up

Monday, July 09, 2007

Start Small

Start Small

1. What's one green or environmentally friendly thing you can do?
2. What's one new movement you can do?
3. What's one new thing you can be thankful?

Husband and little one
Fresh fruit on sale
Having a tidy home
Getting rid of junk

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Loans for weddings

Loans for weddings?
I heard about loans for weddings I think it was the debt in Chicago blog. I think this is very bad idea because do you really want to paying for 4 or five years for something that lasts three hours?
Do you really want a 25,000 to 40,000 dollar wedding that looks like every other wedding out there?
Now if you have millions go for a pricey wedding but you can have a wedding for under $5,000. I know of people who had great weddings for under $2,000. You can even get married for less than $300.
Do you want to pay 40,000 dollars to bore your friends and family and be worrying about bills?
Most high price wedding items look like junk. No one takes the favors home. Give them bubbles and candy.
I am glad my wedding wasn't so high price. I even had a midlist designer dress.

Thankful List
My lower back is hurting today but there are still things to be thankful for . I am thankful for my little family and for my husband. What are you thankful for?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

MMM fair food

Ate at the fourth of July fair for the fourth. I had fun today we ate are way through the fair.
We split some things.
Right when we were about to leave, a friend informed me my leg was swollen. It didn’t even hurt until after I got home and was fine after my nap. Little one was throwing little fits so we figured that it was nap time. Little one only takes naps every week or so.
I also took a long nap. It seemed everyone in my house was just plum tuckered out.
I split half a donut with my little one. We split nachos with the family. Daddy and I had one piece of pizza. Daddy had his own doughnut. Little one and I split chips and I had a little bit of Daddy's funnel cake. I could have eaten more. Eating is so much fun sometimes that it's hard to say "I am really not hungry."
We spent less than I thought we would.

I worked on an article about a net marketing from the point of the consumer. I don't know if I will publish it here or through a online zine.

Thankful List
Spending the Holiday with my husband
My little family
Bug spray. We needed it today.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

About me: Happy Holiday

I hope that those of you who are getting vacation tomorrow are enjoying it.
I just want to spend time with my little family.

Things about me:

Likes: as a child I loved things that glow in the dark. I would love it when King Vitamin cereal would have little glow in the dark acrobat toys. These were one of my favorite free toy inside gifts as a child. MMM free toy inside in a pack of veggies?

I try to be a very positive person. I do this by choice. I decided that I want to spread joy. I do not think people praise other people enough.

I tend to worry way too much.

Thankful list
Love of my little family

Monday, July 02, 2007

Weekend Gift

Thankful for my Weekend Gift:
My husband gave me such a gift this Saturday and it put me in a real good mood. It wasn't anything bought. He watched the little one, who was watching Shark Tale so I could take a nap on the couch.
Sometimes just a simple nap is worth more than fancy jewelry, ipods.

Thankful List
Husband and little one
Half off diet rootberr
Cherries on sale
Ramen noddles mmmm
Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge More blogs about iportion.