I am ill. It's not so bad when I am sitting Every time I try to do some cleaning I get winded so I am dig piece by piece. I can't tell if I am hungry or nauseous any more. A lot of time I just feel kind of full but I am sure soon I will feel starved.
I can't just take a nap. I will eat much later but I will make sure that I do.
Save thousands on Workout/work stations
This workstation is a desk fused with treadmill and is priced at 6,5000.
It's not the same but you can save 6,400
At 6,500 each these are overpriced and look like they are not worth over 2,500. It doesn't look like it fit all computers. You could get a new nice treadmill for under $2,000 or you could save lots of money and get a mini peddler for under $100 bucks and some models are less than $20
I've actually wanted these pedals for a long time.
I decided I want this as one of my goal awards, a $20 dollar model.
Why is this better than the treadmill station.
It's thousands upon thousands cheaper.
If I end up not using it, I won't feel quilt THAT about it. Let's face it I would feel guilty about not using it.
I won't have to be standing all the time. I can exercise while sitting.
I can fit it under my desk. The treadmill takes up too much room.
Of course I and others who by fitness equipment always have to be careful of injury.
Save Money this Halloween
1. Just get Halloween make up instead of full costumes. You'll be amazed at costume pieces you can find in your own closet or at a thrift store.
2. Get a low calorie or slow to eat candy in case you have leftovers.
3. Be careful with Halloween candy sales. Will kids eat this or will you be stuck with something high calorie or something you don't want in your home.
4. Make sure all Halloween decorations are found in a specific place so you don't have to buy anything more than a good pumpkin. "We ate our pumpkin"